The Council of the EU adopts Recovery and Resilience Facility

On 11 February 2021 the Council of the EU adopted the regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which lies at the heart of the EU’s recovery plan.


The scope of application of the Facility shall refer to policy areas of European relevance structured in six pillars:

(a) green transition;

(b) digital transformation;

(c) smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, including economic cohesion, jobs, productivity, competitiveness, research, development and innovation, and a well-functioning internal market with strong SMEs;

(d) social and territorial cohesion;

(e) health, and economic, social and institutional resilience, with the aim of, inter alia, increasing crisis preparedness and crisis response capacity; and

(f) policies for the next generation, children and the youth, such as education and skills.

Member states will receive support from the Facility on the basis of their national Recovery and Resilience Plans

The Regulation

The Regulation